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In the October/November/December issue of ICT Today: The Official Trade Journal of BICSI, ECSite CEO Subbu Meiyappan teamed up with AFL’s Enterprise Market Manager, Manja Thessin, to co-write Reimagining ICT Deployments With Intelligent Build and Construction Digitization. The article discusses the current challenges the ICT industry faces today and the transformation it must undergo to be able to grow to scale.
People find themselves in an unprecedented period of demand for network infrastructure. The ICT industry is facing added pressure due to significant challenges in the supply chain and a constrained labor market. This means that funding is no longer the main constraint to deploying digital infrastructure. Amid this spike in demand for connectivity, the challenge has shifted to the need for efficiency.
This article explains and provides case scenarios of the intelligent build solution that enables access to the unique digital footprint of a network—from manufacturing to receiving, to installation, and maintenance.
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